Abstract #1361
Blood Flow in the Left Heart
Foell1, Steffen Taeger2, Bernd Jung3, Jelena
Bock3, Philipp Blanke3, Christoph Bode2,
Michael Markl3
1Cardiology , University Hospital ,
Freiburg, Germany; 2Cardiology, University Hospital, Freiburg,
Germany; 3Diagnostic Radiology/Medical Physics, University
Hospital, Freiburg, Germany
4D MRI was performed to visualize the complex blood flow in the left
ventricle (LV),
atrium and out-flow tract. Left atrial and LV vortex formation was seen in older and
younger volunteers. The left pulmonary veins promote more pronounced vortexes
in older and younger volunteers during systole and diastole. Intraventricular
vortex formation was not different between older and younger individuals with
most vortexes located in basal and midventricular parts of the LV. The knowledge of
blood flow in the healthy heart is essential for further patient studies in
cardiac disease such as LV
aneurysms, valve insufficiencies or atrial arrhythmia.