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Abstract #1358

Quantification of Left and Right Ventricular Kinetic Energy Using Four Dimensional Intracardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Flow Measurements

Marcus Carlsson1, Einar Heiberg1, Johannes Tger1, Karin Markenroth2, Freddy Sthlberg3, Hkan Arheden1

1Clinical Physiology, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Skane, Sweden; 2Philips Medical Systems, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Skane, Sweden; 3Radiation Physics, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Skane, Sweden

This study has demonstrated the feasibility of a new method for non-invasive quantification of biventricular kinetic energy using 4D phase contrast velocity encoded CMR. Three energy peaks of the LV and RV were seen in healthy subjects. Interestingly, the systolic energy was higher in the RV compared to the LV and in contrast the energy during early diastole was higher in the LV compared to the RV.
