Lohmann1, Daniel S. Margulies1, Dirk Goldhahn1,
Annette Horstmann1, Burkhard Pleger1, Joeran Lepsien1,
Arno Villringer1, Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
introduce a new assumption- and parameter-free method for the analysis of
fMRI resting state data based on eigenvector centrality. Eigenvector
centrality attributes a value to each voxel in the brain such that a voxel
receives a large value if it is strongly correlated with many other nodes
that are themselves central within the network. Google's PageRank algorithm
is a variant of eigenvector centrality.
We tested eigenvector centrality mapping (ECM) on two resting state
scans of 35 subjects, and found a network of hubs including precuneus,
thalamus and sensorimotor areas of the marginal ramus of the cingulate and
mid-cingulate cortex.