Feng Xu1, Uma Yezhuvath1, Peiying
Wang1, Hanzhang Lu1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center,
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States
studies tried to understand how neural activity change vascular parameters,
but little attention was received to whether gas content changes in blood
would reversely alter neural activity. To investigate such an effect, we used
a recently developed MRI technique to quantify global cerebral metabolic rate
of oxygen (CMRO2) under hypoxia and hyperoxia. Our data suggest that a change
in arterial oxygen content can modulate brain metabolism in a dose-dependent
manner, with hypoxia increasing CMRO2 and hyperoxia decreasing it. Therefore,
in addition to the well-known forward neurovascular coupling, the reverse
coupling may be important in the regulation of brain function.