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Abstract #0835

Comparison of T1ρ, T2 Mapping, and Sodium MRI of Osteoarthritic Cartilage in Vivo

Melissa Ann Vogelsong1, Ernesto Staroswiecki2, Brian A. Hargreaves, Eric Han3, Jill A. Fattor4, Anne L. Friedlander5, Omer Shah6, Jacquie M. Beaubien7, Garry E. Gold

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 2Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 3GE Healthcare Global Applied Sciences Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA; 4Stanford Center on Longevity, Stanford, CA; 5VA Palo Alto Healthcare Center, Palo Alto, CA; 6Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC; 7Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

Several imaging techniques are currently being investigated for use in visualizing cartilage biochemistry. T2 mapping is thought to assess water content and collagen structure while sodium imaging reflects proteoglycan content, however precisely what affects T1ρ relaxation remains unclear. We imaged 9 knees of patients with osteoarthritis and measured T2 and T1ρ relaxation times as well as sodium signal from corresponding ROIs. No correlation was found between T1ρ relaxation and sodium signal, however there was a moderate correlation between T1ρ and T2 relaxation. T1ρ may therefore depend on a complex interaction of macromolecules rather than proteoglycan content alone.

sodiumcartilagecorrelationin vivocontentlateralcollagenmedialsubjectscoilcorrelationsdepletiondevelopmentmappingmeasuredprotonsalinestudiestubeablealtoanteriorarticularbandwidthbiochemicalchargecharged