Boretius1, Anastasia Stoykova2, Roland Tammer1,
Thomas Michaelis1, Jens Frahm1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH,
Max-Planck-Institut fr biophysikalische Chemie, Gttingen, Germany; 2Molekulare
Zellbiologie, Max-Planck-Institut fr biophysikalische Chemie, Gttingen,
delineation of cortical layers in living animals is of major interest for a
variety of questions ranging from developmental biology to studies of genetic
alterations. Here, high-resolution T2-weighted MRI at 9.4 T is demonstrated
to detect layer-like structures in mouse brain in vivo, which at least in
part correspond to the histologically defined 6-layer structure of mammalian
cortex. For the first time age-related cortical differences in healthy mice
and severe alterations in layer architecture in cortex-specific Pax6
conditional knockout mice are visualized by in vivo MRI.