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Abstract #0664

Assessment of Coronary Endothelial Dysfunction in Young Healthy Smokers Using 3T Phase Contrast Cine MRI and Cold Pressor Test

Shingo Kato1, Hajime Sakuma1, Kakuya Kitagawa1, Motonori Nagata1, Yeonyee. E Yoon1, Shinichi Takase1

1Department of Radiology, Mie University Hospital, Tsu, Mie, Japan

Blood flow volumes in the LAD artery and in coronary sinus (CS) at rest and during cold pressor test were quantified in 10 young non-smokers and 6 age-matched smokers using 3T MR imager. Coronary flow was significantly augmented during CPT in non-smokers (LAD: 28.5 6.8mL/min to 36.5 7.3mL/min, p=0.017). However, the CPT/rest coronary flow ratio was significantly reduced in smokers when compared with non-smokers (0.86 0.26 vs 1.33 0.38, p=0.02). CPT test using 3T MR imager allows for non-invasive assessment of coronary endothelial dysfunction.
