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Abstract #0644

16-Channel Custom-Fitted Bilateral Breast Coil for Parallel Imaging in Two Directions

Anderson N. Nnewihe1,2, Thomas Grafendorfer3, Bruce L. Daniel1, Paul Calderon3, Marcus T. Alley1, Fraser Robb3, Brian A. Hargreaves1

1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 2Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 3GE Healthcare

High spatial and temporal resolution imaging could be used to better classify breast lesions with the potential to improve breast cancer diagnosis. In this work we compare a novel 16-channel bilateral breast coil to a standard commercially-available 8-channel coil, in terms of SNR and parallel imaging capability in two directions. Overall we have demonstrated that a closely-fitted surface array can substantially improve both SNR and parallel imaging capability compared with standard 8-channel bilateral breast coils.
