Deirdre Maria McGrath1, Warren D. Foltz1,
Kristy K. Brock1,2
1Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret
Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2Department of Radiation
Oncology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
of 3D histopathology with in vivo images improves the understanding of
disease representation in imaging. The pathology fixation process changes the
material properties of tissue non-uniformly and if biomechanical registration
is used, measures of these effects are required. A high resolution 3D
quasi-static MR elastography (MRE) method at 7 T is presented for voxel-wise
mapping of Youngs modulus across tissue volumes, and is applied to ex vivo
canine prostate samples, pre- and post-fixation. The measures are validated
using indentation testing. The effect of fixation on T1, T2 and ADC is also
measured, to determine the relationship with material property changes.