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Abstract #0605

White Matter Structural Correlates of Cognitive Performance in the Temporal Lobe Projections

Efrat Sasson1, Glen M. Doniger2, Ofer Pasternak3, Tal Gonen4, Yaniv Assaf5

1Neurobiology department, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 2Department of Clinical Science, NeuroTrax Corporation, Newark, NJ, United States; 3Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States; 4Psychology department, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv , Israel; 5Neurobiology department, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv , Israel

In this study we used the inter-subject variability in different cognitive domains to relate cognitive performance and WM integrity in five temporal projections: the uncinate fasciculus, fornix, cingulum, inferior longitudinal fasciculus, and superior longitudinal fasciculus. Subjects were 51 healthy volunteers, 25-80 years, completed cognitive tests and were scanned using DTI and DTI tractography was performed. The fibers exhibiting substantial correlation with cognitive performance are known to play an important part in the corresponding functional domain. Using the methodology performed here, DTI tractography enables anatomical definition of region of interest for correlation analysis of any behavioral parameters with diffusion indices.
