C. Soesbe1, Federico A. Rojas-Quijano1, A. Dean Sherry1,2
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, The
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States; 2Department
of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States
exchange saturation transfer (CEST) agents create contrast in MR images by
exchanging their saturated lanthanide bound protons with unsaturated bulk
water protons. CEST agents can be selectively activated by applying a 2 to 10
second long frequency-specific saturation pulse, tuned to the bound proton
frequency, just before imaging. Chemical exchange of the saturated bound
protons with bulk water leads to a reduced water signal and darkening in the
MR image. These agents hold great potential to further extend the functional
and molecular imaging capabilities of MR. Some published applications include
measuring tumor pH, angiogenesis, and the tissue distribution of glucose and other
metabolites. CEST agent bound proton frequencies are typically shifted 5 to
50 ppm from bulk water (0 ppm). Unfortunately, this is the same range of the
in vivo Magnetization Transfer (MT) effect. The MT effect arises from dipolar
exchange of protons with endogenous tissue materials such as macromolecules
and cell membranes. The MT effect typically spans from 100 ppm (relative to
bulk water) and is proportional to saturation pulse power. As a consequence,
the contrast produced by the CEST agent can be totally masked by the tissue
MT effects, which greatly complicates in vivo imaging. In an effort to avoid
the MT effect and enhance in vivo CEST imaging, our group has recently
developed a Tb3+-based paramagnetic CEST (PARACEST) agent with an unusually long
bound water exchange lifetime. The bound proton frequency for this agent is
at -600 ppm, which is far outside the normal tissue MT window. Although other
Tb3+-based PARACEST agents have been reported, this agents slower water
exchange rate allows for an order of magnitude reduction in saturation pulse
power, making it more suitable for in vivo studies. We present in vitro
images of our Tb3+-based PARACEST agent to demonstrate its potential for in
vivo imaging without the requirement of subtracting out tissue MT