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Abstract #0279

Bimanual Coordination and Corpus Callosum Microstructure in Young Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury

Karen Caeyenberghs1, Alexander Leemans2

1KULeuven, Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium; 2University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands

Deterioration of motor function is one of several clinical manifestations following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between white matter (WM) integrity using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and bimanual motor performance in young TBI patients. A group suffering from moderate to severe TBI (N=25) and a control group (N=18) were scanned using DTI along with standard anatomical scans. Using ExploreDTI software, three corpus callosum subregions were evaluated. Bimanual performance was assessed using a motor switching task. This study provides evidence for a structural alteration of corpus callosum subregions in young adults with TBI that are correlated with motor functioning, inspiring new avenues for therapy.