Benjamin Lemasson1, Thomas Christen1,2,
Raphal Serduc3, Cecile Maisin1, Audrey Bouchet3,
Christopoh Segebarth1, Graldine Le Duc3, Chantal Rmy1,
Emmanuel Louis Barbier1
1Inersm U836, Grenoble, France; 2Universit
Joseph Fourier, Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences, Grenoble, France; 3ESRF,
Grenoble, France
a highly vascular phenotype, most glioblastomas cells are in hypoxia.
Monitoring of hypoxia could be useful for monitoring the effectiveness of
anti-tumor therapies. In this study, we evaluate (i) the relationship between
the oxygenation (lSO2) estimated by MRI and tissue hypoxia
estimated by immunohistology and (ii) the impact of an antiangiogenic
(Sorafenib) treatment on the vasculature (Blood volume fraction; BVf) and the
lSO2 of gliosarcoma model (9L). lSO2 estimate by MRI
was correlated to tumor hypoxia observed by immunohistochimistry. Results of
this study also suggest that lSO2 could be a sensitive reporter of
the hypoxic effects of antiangiogenic therapies.