Wu1, J. Thomas Vaughan1, Kamil Ugurbil1,
Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele1
has been shown that parallel transmission (pTx), which consists of playing
different RF pulses through independent transmit (Tx) channels, can be used
to mitigate Tx B1 (B1+) nonuniformity and to achieve more homogeneous
spatially selective RF excitation at high magnetic field. We have previously
reported a successful implementation of Transmit SENSE in the human brain at
9.4 T with an 8 Tx channel system, which required addressing methodological
issues such as k-space trajectory inaccuracies and large susceptibility
induced δB0. Recently, our 9.4T system has been upgraded with a 16 Tx
channel console. Here we report preliminary results of 2D (Transmit SENSE)
and 3D (Spoke trajectories) pTx in the human brain at 9.4 T using a
16-channel RF coil.