John Thomas Vaughan1, Carl j. Snyder1,
Lance Delabarre1, Jinfeng Tian1, Can Akgun1,
Gregor Adriany1, John Strupp1, Peter Andersen1,
Eddie Auerbach1, Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele1,
Kamil Ugurbil1
1University of Minnesota-Center for
Magnetic Resonance Research,
objective was to investigate three RF coil approaches to human cardiac
imaging at 7T. The first approach used
a 16-channel, whole body coil together with 16 channel local receivers. The second approach used a 16-channel
transceiver array. And the third approach
made use of a close fitting torso coil with local 16 channel receivers. The three approaches were evaluated by
image and efficiency data, as well as practical constraints such as lead
placement, receiver coil accommodation, and human comfort. All three coils were used successfully, and
found to offer options and respective trade-offs for successful cardiac
imaging at 7T.