Xiaoping Wu1, J. Thomas Vaughan1, Kmil Ugurbil1, Pierre-Franois Van de Moortele1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Parallel Transmission (PT) allows for applying accelerated multidimensional
spatially selective RF pulses through independent Transmit (Tx) RF channels, a
feature especially promising at very high magnetic fields to compensate for B1
field inhomogeneity. However, gradient waveform distortions due to gradient system
imperfections and/or eddy current can result in very poor excitation profiles.
It has been shown that such degradation of excitation patterns can be
effectively reduced by using measured k-space trajectories for RF pulse design.
In the present work, we conducted PT experiments on a 9.4 T human scanner and
measured k-space trajectories to calculate corrected RF pulses, resulting in
dramatic excitation accuracy improvement.