HuaLei Zhang1, Hui Qiao1, Fabao Gao1, Karthik Raju1, Steven Pickup1, Xin Li2, Jerry Glickson1, Rong Zhou1
1Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2Advanced Imaging Research Center,, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA
Based on our previous development of a DCE MRI protocol which permits simultaneous measurement in mice the arterial input function of gadodiamide and its uptake in tumor, here we evaluate the effect of an antibody to the vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF), namely VEGF-Trap, on a highly metastatic and a non-metstic melanoma xenografted in mice. In A375P line, the VEGF-trap treated has a significant Ktrans reduction (p=0.029) in the periphery compared to IgG treated ones at the end of 3 weeks. The Ktrans is homogeneously reduced (p=0.028 comparing the periphery and centre Ktrans difference between VEGF-trap and IgG treatment.) in VEGF-trap group while periphery is higher than core in IgG group. In C8161 line, the reduction in tumor periphery exists but is not statistically significant comparing the VEGF-trap treated with the IgG treated.