Annie Horng1, Matthias Pietschmann2, Jos Raya1, Peter Mueller2, Maximilian F. Reiser1, Christian Glaser1
1Department of Clinical Radiology, University Hospitals LMU Munich - Campus Grosshadern, Munich, Bavaria, Germany; 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Hospitals LMU Munich - Campus Grosshadern, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Experiences in quantitative T2 mapping of matrix-based autologeous chondrocyte transplantations (MACT) are only available from cross-sectional studies. This first prospective longitudinal study analyses T2 relaxation time of MACT and other cartilage compartments of the operated knee. Results support the clinical experience of continuous remodelling of MACT for 1-2y after operation before reaching normal T2 values. Transient T2 alterations are observed in the cartilage opposite to MACT which might be due to operational trauma or biomechanical changes in the joint. In summary T2 imaging provides a potential tool for postoperative monitoring of cartilage repair and might contribute to predict posttherapeutical evolution.