Earl Michael Chester1, George R. Oliveira1, Gregory J. Wilson1,2, Jeffrey Harold Maki1,3
1Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; 2Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, USA; 3Radiology, Puget Sound VAHCS, Seattle, WA, USA
This is a retrospective study examining arterial and venous hemodynamics in an optimized three-station moving-table peripheral contrast-enhanced MR angiography technique applied to 48 patients being evaluated for PVOD. This study found no significant difference in average aorta-foot arterial or aorta-to-lower extremity venous contrast arrival time between claudication patients with and without diabetes mellitus, or between claudicants and those with peripheral ulcers. There was, however, a significant difference in lower extremity venous enhancement (p=0.044) between patients with claudication and those with peripheral ulcers. This study demonstrates the difficulty in predicting venous contrast arrival without a priori knowledge of patient-specific timing parameters.