Peter A. Wassenaar1, Kathryn Richdale2, Katharine Teal Bluestein1, John Christoforidis3, Titus Lanz4, Michael Vincent Knopp1, Petra Schmalbrock1
1Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; 2Optometry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; 3Ophthalmology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; 4Rapid MR International, LLC, Columbus, OH, USA
High quality imaging is critical for examining changes in the fine structures of the human eye. Increased signal at 7T with a custom coil is uniquely suited for this task. Ten healthy subjects were imaged. Motion and susceptibility artifacts were minimized by patient preparation, minimum slice thickness and 35 second scan times. Optimal images were obtained using 3D SPGR with flip angles of 10-20 and IR-TFE with TS/TI=2000/1000ms. Multiple images with voxel volumes of 0.15x0.25x1.0 were obtained and registered for final SNRs of 30-40.