Stephane Lehericy1,2, Eric Bardinet1,3, Jerome Yelnik4, Fabrice Poupon5, Kamil Ugurbil6, Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele6, Cyril Poupon5
1Center for NeuroImaging Research - CENIR, University Pierre and Marie Curie - Paris 6, Paris, France; 2Neuroradiology, Inserm U610, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France; 3CNRS UPR 640 - LENA, University Pierre and Marie Curie - Paris 6, Paris, France; 4INSERM U679, Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, University Pierre and Marie Curie - Paris 6, Paris, France; 5NeuroSpin, CEA, Saclay, France; 6Center for Magnetic Resonance Research and Department of radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
In this work, we compared spin echo and gradient echo 7T images to depict the normal anatomy of deep brain nuclei in the human brain. Six human volunteers were included. T2*- and T2-weighted images showed improved contrast at 7T as compared to lower field strength and better detection of deep brain structures. Several fiber pathways were also detected using either 7T images confirming that very high field magnets provide new contrast.