Charlotte Rosso1,2, Guillaume Auzias2, Rmi Cuingnet2, Sophie Crozier1, Eric Bardinet2,3, Stphane Lehricy2,4, Sylvain Baillet2, Yves Samson1
1Stroke Center, Pitie Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France; 2Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Imaging Laboratory, CNRS-UPR 640 LENA, Pitie Salpetrire Hospital, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France; 3Center for NeuroImaging Research, Pitie Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, France; 4Department of Neuroradiology, Piti Salpetrire Hospital, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France
In this work, we used Diffusion-Weighted Images in 53 ischemic stroke patients with occlusion of the middle cerebral artery to generate stereotactic probability maps of infarction at the acute stage and at follow-up. The probability of infarction was higher in the deep MCA territory at follow-up than at the acute stage. Recanalization, which was associated with good outcome in the literature, rescued some parts of the corticospinal tract. The clinically relevant penumbra included the deep MCA territory.