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Abstract #3209

Multimodality Imaging of Cerebral Schistosomiasis

Albert J.S. Idema1, Joyce Wilbers2, P. Krooshof3, A. C. Koetsveld1, P. Wesseling4, W. van der Graaf5, A. Gijtenbeek2, W. Oyen6, A. Heerschap7

1Neurosurgery, UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands; 2Neurology, UMC St Radboud, Netherlands; 3Analytical Chemistry, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Nijmegen, Netherlands; 4Pathology, UMC St Radboud, CWZ, Netherlands; 5Medical Oncology, UMC St Radboud, Netherlands; 6Nuclear Medicine, UMC St Radboud, Netherlands; 7Radiology, UMC St Radboud, Netherlands

In this case report we describe multimodality imaging of neuroschistosomiasis. Besides conventional MRI, this patient was examined with perfusion imaging, short-echo time 3D MR Spectroscopy and 18F-Fluorothymidine PET imaging. The histopathological findings in a biopsy were used to explain the imaging results. An increased FLT activity and lactate, next to a strong NAA decrease may point to a malignant process, however, the minimal increased Choline and perfusion indicate otherwise. Increased levels of glutathione and aspartate may be typical for this lesion. FLT-PET seems not be able to discriminate between active proliferating inflammatory cells and proliferating tumor cells in the brain.