Jonathan Sharp1, Scott B. King2, Donghui Yin2, Peter Latta2, Boguslaw Tomanek3
1Institute for Biodiagnostics (West), National Research Council of Canada, Calgary , AB, Canada; 2Institute for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council of Canada, Winnipeg, MB, Canada; 3Institute for Biodiagnostics (West), National Research Council of Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada
The TRASE method (Transmit Spatial Encoding) exploits the spatial information present in the RF phase gradient to achieve 1D, 2D or 3D imaging and slice selection in echo trains in which each echo is encoded to a different k-space location. High spatial resolution relies on the maintenance of echo amplitude and phase evolution down the echo train. Since phase gradient fields cause pulse phase to become a function of position, different points in the sample see different pulse sequences. Here we study the design of these sets of echo trains for 1D imaging, examining sensitivity to off-resonance and B1 inhomogeneity.