Nils A. Kraemer1, Erwin Immel2,3, Andreas Melzer2, Christina Ocklenburg4, Rolf W. Guenther1, Gabriele A. Krombach1, Elmar Spntrup5
1Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Aachen, Aachen, Germany; 2BIOPHAN Europe GmbH, Germany; 3IMSat, Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, University of Dundee, UK; 4Institute for Medical Statistics, Universiy Hospital Aachen, Aachen, Germany; 5Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Clinic Cologne, Germany
Aim of the study is to evaluate the function and MRI characteristics of an active filter system for the inferior caval vein (ICV) in a swine model. Solely using real-time MRI guidance, the filter was deployed in the ICV. The built-in resonator significantly enhances the signal inside the filter depending on the flip angle and other sequence characteristics. All venous thrombi were filtered effectively. The active components improved filter deployment and facilitated a clear depiction of intra-filter thrombi using MRI, which were verified through autopsy.