Kyle Wilson1, R. Terry Thompson2, Gordon Campbell3, Gerald Moran4
1Medical Physics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2Lawson Imaging, London, ON, Canada; 3NRC, London, ON, Canada; 4Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Several materials are currently used to mimic tissues depending on the imaging modality. Poly(vinyl alcohol) cryogel (PVA-C) has potential to be used as a multi-modality phantom. Its non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and biodegradable characteristics are advantageous. Thus, mapping of PVA-C properties would prove to be beneficial. By combining PVA with deionized water, heating for 2 hours and undergoing freeze/thaw cycles, PVA-C was produced in both air and nitrogen environments. PVA-C showed field dependence in T1, but this dependence was lost in samples produced in a nitrogen environment. Manipulating mechanical properties of PVA-C, yet keeping T1 constant, could prove beneficial in tissue mimicking.