Sergey V. Petryakov1, Alexandre Samoulilov1, Eric Kesselring1, Jay L. Zweier1
1Dorothy M. Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
The development of a double frequency resonator for co-registering EPR/NMR imaging is reported. The resonator is capable of working at frequencies: 16.18 MHz for NMR and 1.2 GHz for EPR and is designed for small animals and isolated rat heart experiments. The resonator measures 22 mm in diameter, 19 mm in length. The resonator is a one side fed, two quarter-wave shorted gap one loop resonator for EPR and simultaneously it is a single turn, flat-loop coil for NMR. Using the same loop for two modalities maximizes filling factor at both frequencies. ACC (30 dB) and ATC (8 MHz) capability are incorporated in the EPR part of the resonator to reduce motional noise effect.