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Abstract #2235

DCE of the Prostate:Contrast Enhancement Correlates to Glandular Lumen

Tryggve Holck Storaas1, Kjell-Inge Gjesdal2, Jonn-Terje Geitung3, Aud Svindland4

1Diagnostic physics/ Radiology, Ullevaal Universityhospital, Oslo, Norway; 2Sunnmre MR-klinikk, lesund, Norway; 3Radiology, Haraldsplass University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 4Pathology, Aker Universityhospital, Oslo, Norway

The heterogenous nature of prostatic tissues has been shown to give rise to two distinguishable signal components, probably attributable to secretions in acini lumen and cellular tissue. As glandular lumen is generally not available to extracellular contrast agents, the slow proton exchange may reduce signal enhancement compared to what is predicted by the fast exchange model. In this paper DCE MRI is compared to quantitative histology, and a negative correlation between the volume fraction of glandular lumen and signal enhancement is demonstrated.