Katarzyna Cieslar1, Elise Bannier1, Zahir Salhi2, Sophie Gaillard1, Philippe Reix3, Yannick Crmillieux1
1Universit de Lyon, CREATIS-LRMN, UMR CNRS 5220 INSERM U630, Lyon, France; 2Johannes Gutenberg Universitt, Mainz, Germany; 3Hpital Femme Mere Enfant, Lyon, France
The alveolar pO2 measurement in humans is currently being performed based on the linear model of pO2 decay during apnea. The aim of this work was to verify the potential advantages of using the more physiologically appropriate exponential pO2 decay model for improving the results of pO2 mapping in humans. The quality of the parametric maps based on the exponential model was found superior to the ones obtained by using the linear model. The distributions of the parameters of interest obtained as a result of the numerical simulations confirm the trends observed in vivo.