Jingsheng Zhou1,2, Chunming Xie1, Wenjun Li1, Feng Ling2, Shi-jiang Li1
1Biophysics Department, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA; 2Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical
University, BJ, Beijing, China
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of the thalamic
functional connectivity (FC) network between vegetative state (VS) patients and
control subjects. 5 VS patients and 4 healthy control subjects were enrolled.
The averaged voxel time series from the seed Regions of Interest (bilateral
thalamus) were cross-correlated with each voxel time course across the entire
brain. The findings showed that FC in VS patients was significantly lower than
that of control subjects in bilateral posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus.