Thomas Christen1,2, Benjamin Lemasson1,3, Nicolas Pannetier1,2, Olivier Detante1,2, Rgine Farion1,2, Emmanuelle Grillon1,2, Christoph Segebarth1,2, Chantal Rmy1,2, Emmanuel L. Barbier1,2
1Inserm, U836, Grenoble, F-38043, France; 2Universit Joseph Fourier, Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences, UMR-S836, Grenoble, France; 3Oncodesign Biotechnology, Dijon, France
Recently, an in vivo MR approach was introduced to obtain local blood oxygen saturation (lSO2) maps. This study evaluates a modified version of this approach in two rat models: stroke and tumor. Values of lSO2 in the contralateral striatum of rats bearing a brain lesion or in healthy rats are consistent with the literature. The small standard deviation suggests that the proposed lSO2 measurement approach is reproducible. Differences in lSO2 were observed between the two glioma models (C6 and U87-MG) and an increase lSO2 two days after focal brain ischemia, in agreement with a luxury perfusion.