Matthieu Bagory1, Franoise Durand-dubief2, Danielle Ibarrola3, Jean-Christophe Comte3, Christian Confavreux2, Dominique Sappey-Marinier1,3
1CREATIS-LRMN UMR5220 CNRS & U630 INSERM, Universit de Lyon, Lyon, France; 2Service de neurologie A, Hopital Neurologique de Lyon, Bron, France; 3Dpt. IRM, CERMEP - Imagerie du vivant, Bron, France
This study was design to compare two Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy approaches, spectroscopic imagine (CSI) and localized spectroscopy (SVS), to distinguish Multiple Sclerosis (MS) clinical forms. We compared metabolic ratios in a large SVS volume in the brain, and from sum of individually quantified voxels from CSI. Results shows that CSI provided significant differences in metabolic characterization of MS forms in contrast to the SVS approach, likely due to methodological aspects.