Raphael Serduc1,2, Nicolas Pannetier3, Audrey Bouchet2, Thierry Brochard2, Thomas Christen3, Gilles Berruyer4, Jean Laissue5, Francois Esteve3, Chantal Remy3, Emmanuel Barbier3, Alberto Bravin2, Graldine Le Duc2, Elke Brauer2
1CERCO, CNRS, Toulouse, France; 2Imaging Group, ESRF, Grenoble, France; 3U836, INSERM, Grenoble, France; 4Scisoft Group, ESRF, Grenoble, France; 5Bern Institute of pathology, Bern, Switzerland
We developed here a new irradiation modality which produced a very high (200Gy) uniform radiation dose to a restricted target in the rat brain using interlaced synchrotron microbeam radiation therapy. A local extravasation of Gd-DOTA (starting at day 7) and significant increases in T2W and ADC after exposure were observed by MRI at D30. Three months after irradiation, the lesion still exhibited higher ADC values. These changes characterized a focal necrosis confined to the radiation target while normal tissues surrounding the lesion were spared. This new irradiation method could be useful for any brain lesions involving radiosurgery.