Lan Ge1, Aya Kino1, Daniel Lee1, Rohan Dharmakumar1, Mark Griswold2, Charles Mistretta3, James Carr1, Debiao Li1
1Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA; 2Western Reserve University, OH, USA; 3University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
The diagnostic value of myocardial perfusion MRI is limited by the low spatial coverage, resolution, SNR, and cardiac motion related image artifacts. This work compared SW-CG-HYPR method with conventional clinical protocols for myocardial perfusion and demonstrated the feasibility of SW-CG-HYPR method for detecting the myocardial territory supplied by a stenotic coronary artery using a controlled animal model. Using this method, the acquisition time per slice was reduced by a factor of 4, which should substantially reduce cardiac motion artifacts; the number of slices was doubled; the spatial resolution was improved by a factor of 2 and the SNR by >50% as compared to conventional methods.