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Abstract #0407

Effects of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury on 23Na Relaxation Times and Its Implications on Quantification of Corticomedullary Sodium Concentration by 23Na MRI

Bharath Atthe1, Andriy Babsky1, Navin Bansal1

1Radiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA

23Na MRI and MRS are applied to evaluate the effects of renal ischemia and reperfusion on 23Na MRI signal intensity (SI), relaxation times and [Na+] in the medulla and cortex of rat kidney. 23Na relaxation times were found to be similar in renal medulla and cortex in the normal kidney. Ischemia caused a significant decrease in the relaxation times which affected the calculation of [Na+] from MRI data. However, the changes in relaxation times for the medulla and cortex were identical, thus the medulla to cortex 23Na SI ratio represents [Na+] ratio in the two compartments during ischemia and reperfusion.