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Abstract #0298

Influence of Strong Static Magnetic Fields on Myocardial Mechanics: Evaluation Applying Ultra-Wideband Radar

Florian Thiel1, Mathias Hein2, Jrgen Sachs2, Ulrich Schwarz2, Tomasz Lindel1, Frank Seifert1

1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany; 2Ilmenau University of Technology

ECG is excessively used for triggering MR data acquisition to image the heart. It is well established that the ECG is corrupted by the magneto-hydrodynamic effect (MHD). Hence, there is increasing difficulty to use the ECG for MR-triggering especially at B0-fields beyond 1.5 T. To investigate whether the myocardial contraction is also influenced by the static magnetic field, we propose a novel method, based on an ultra-wideband radar technique (UWB radar) to monitor the global myocardial dynamics inside a MR scanner.