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Abstract #3634

Time resolved contrast-enhanced carotid and cerebral 3D MR-Angiography with echo-sharing and GRAPPA

Kollia K, Forsting M, Wanke I, Schlamann M, Maderwald S
University Hospital Essen

Aim of the study was to improve temporal-resolution of the ce-MRA for the supraaortic and cerebral vessels by evaluating a time-resolved 3D ce-MRA combining parallel acquisition technique and echo-sharing (TREAT). 14 patients (4 with untreated and 4 with treated cranial AVM, 4 with intra- and extracranial vessel stenosis respectively, 2 with intra- and extra-axial tumor respectively) were examined using a new time-resolved ce-MRA technique. The temporal-resolution was sufficient to evaluate nidus delineation, arterial supply, early-draining veins, collateralisation and feeding arterial tumor-branches. Patients with intracranial vessel stenosis or occlusion and with treated AVM might profit from this technique the most.