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Abstract #3355

Positive Contrast Passive Catheter Tracking and Endovascular Device Visualization using IRON MRI

Gilson W, Karmarkar P, Kraitchman D, Stuber M, Bulte J, Hofmann L, Shah S
Johns Hopkins University

Many new developments are being made for interventional MRI guidance of endovascular procedures. This study explores IRON MRI for in vivo tracking and visualization of MR-compatible endovascular devices. MR angiograms were acquired as roadmap images, and real-time IRON MRI with GRASE image acquisition was performed to guide and place a stainless steel stent in the iliac artery of canines. High resolution IRON MRI clearly visualized the stent with a hyperintense signal. IRON MRI promises to provide a means of performing interventional MRI without the need for passive markers or active coil systems.