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Abstract #3344

MR Signal Intensity changes of the lung parenchyma; Comparison with pulmonary function test and quantitative CT evaluation

Iwasawa T, Ogura T, Takahashi H, Watanuki Y, Asakura A, Gotoh T, Kagei S, Nishimura J, Inoue T
Kanagawa Cardiovascular & Respiratory Ctr

We evaluated relative changes in lung signal intensities (LSI) on 2 sets of 3D-MR images obtained with full inspiration and full expiration in 5 normal volunteers and 12 patients with COPD. Average of relative changes in LSI in the patients was 18.5[plusmn]5.2%, smaller than those in normal volunteers of 46.3[plusmn]1.8 %. In the patients relative change in LSI showed a significant correlation to FEV1.0 (p=0.043). There was no significant correlation between relative change in LSI and RA-950 (the percentage of relative lung area occupied by attenuation values of less than -950 HU on CT images).