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Abstract #3337

Preoperative Assessment for Pelvic Adhesions: Value of Multi-phase and Multi-slice Kinematic FIESTA Imaging

Masui T, Seo H, Katayama M, Hirano M, Nozaki A, Sato K, Sugiyama M
Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital

Due to improvements of software and hardware, 2D steady-state Free Precession (FIESTA) sequence provides good image quality with high signal-to-noise ratio within a second per slice. We tired to apply fat-sat FIESTA sequence to kinematic FIESTA imaging@for the evaluation of pelvic adhesions. As a result, negative and positive predictive values, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for adhesions were 97.7%, 83.8%, 91.2%, 95.6%, and 94.7%, respectively. In conclusion, kinematic FIESTA imaging provided exact information about pelvic adhesions.