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Abstract #3324

Title: Evaluation of Infertility in Women with Dynamic Multi-Phase MR Hysterosalpingography: A comparison of MR Hysterosalpingography with Conventional Hysterosalpingography.

Grist T, Ochsner J, Sadowski E, Kliewer M, Winter T, Korosec F, Vigen K, Pritts E
University of Wisconsin , University of Wisconsin

The purpose of this project is to develop a protocol for dynamic multi-phase MR hysterosalpingography and to compare it to conventional hysterosalpingography in the evaluation of tubal patency and uterine pathology. Ten female subjects with a history of infertility underwent both conventional hysterosalpingography and MR hysterosalpingography. Our data indicates that MR hysterosalpingography is comparable to conventional hysterosalpingography in the evaluation of tubal patency and superior to conventional hysterosalpingography in the evaluation of uterine pathology. Therefore, MR hysterosalpingography has the potential for a single complete pelvic imaging examination in the assessment of female infertility without the risk of ionizing radiation.