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Abstract #3059

Simultaneous Measurement of Unobstructed Glutamate and Glutamine Signals in TE-Averaged PRESS Spectra at 3T Using An Optimized Filter Function

Yang Y, Stein E, Yang S
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH

Glutamate (Glu) and Glutamine (Gln) are important neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. Glu signal at 2.35ppm can be detected using TE-averaged PRESS spectroscopy at 3T with suppression of the neighboring Gln signal. Recovery of Gln signal at 2.45ppm from the same data set while removing the nearby Glu signal has been reported recently. In this study we extended the above techniques to simultaneously measure unobstructed Glu and Gln signals from the same multiple-TE data set using an optimized filter function. Spectral simulation, phantom, and in vivo experiments showed that the simultaneously measured Glu and Gln signals are comparable to those obtained separately.
transitionfunctionfilterspectraphantompressaroundoptimizationcostspectrumstepsoptimizedpseudosimulationcentralgammapeakspectralcoefficientsconstraineddesignfinalfunctionshumanin vivominimalpositivesimulatedsingletstepappearsbroadeningcombiningcompositedetectiondetermineddimensionalexperimentgenerallyglutamateincludedindividualoverlappositionrecoveredrespectivevariationyangableaddressalmost