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Abstract #3008

Design of Cosine-Modulated Very Selective Suppression Pulses for 3D MRSI at 3T

Osorio J, Nelson S, Cunningham C, Chen A, Kerr A, Pauly J, Vigneron D, Xu D
University of California, University of California

At 3T there are inherent advantages for MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) of brain tissue, including improved spectral resolution and increased sensitivity. An important aspect of localization in PRESS MRSI is saturating unwanted tissues from the surrounding region of interest, which can contaminate the spectra. This project presents the design of a cosine-modulated very-selective suppression (VSS) pulse that was optimized for high field strengths in order to obtain improved saturation with smaller number of pulses. This study demonstrated the feasiblity of generating improved outer volume suppression pulses for maximum lipid suppression and improved water suppression in phantoms and human subjects.