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Abstract #2922

Lineshape and Susceptibility in a Rat Glioma Monitored by Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging

Garcia Martin M, Martinez G, Karczmar G, Rajguru N, Alger J, Gillies R
University of Arizona, CSIC-UAM

This work describes EPSI at 4.7 T based on previous implementations of EPSI at lower fields. We implemented EPSI with two spatial dimensions without water- and outer volume suppression. This is the first time that this sequence has been developed for this field strength. We applied this sequence to time-resolved in vivo 1H spectroscopy to observe the pharmacokinetics of contrast reagent (CR) in a rat C6 glioma at high spatial resolution. Intensity and linewidths of the water peaks were affected by CR and were used to follow pharmacokinetics. Furthermore, at high resolution, we observed multiple water resonances near the edge of the tumor that may represent distinct multi-compartment environments in anisotropic peritumoral tissue.