Abstract #2896
Volumetric mapping of the longitudinal to transverse relaxation times ratio (T1/T2) of the entire human breast
Jara H, Tkacz J, Chiu Y
Boston University
Purpose: To develop a quantitative MRI technique for mapping the longitudinal-to-transverse relaxation times ratio (T1/T2) of the entire human breast. Methods: Images obtained with the mixed-TSE pulse sequence in the coronal plane of the entire breast were post-processed for generating T1 and T2 distributions, which were spatially co-registered. These were used as input for a T1/T2 ratio algorithm. Adipose and glandular tissues were segmented with a Q-MRI based morphologic algorithm. Results: Representative T1, T2 and T1/T2 maps on two research subjects were generated. Conclusion: A quantitative MRI technique has been developed for mapping the longitudinal-to-transverse relaxation times ratio (T1/T2) of the entire human breast.