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Abstract #2797

Biological Parametric Mapping

Srikanth R, Baer A, Laurienti P, Peiffer A, Burdette J, Casanova R, Hayasaka S, Maldjian J
Wake Forest University School of Medicine

In this work we describe a novel form of multimodal integrative image analysis that we have called biologic parametric mapping (BPM). BPM probes functional imaging data using biological measures from other imaging methodologies. The BPM toolbox was developed in Matlab and includes multimodal voxel-wise anova, ancova, and correlation. An SPM insertion tool developed with the toolbox feature permits the use of SPM statistical inference and visualization tools. Simulated and real data is presented demonstrating the power of the BPM toolbox.
modalitypanelmodalitiescorrelationdesignfunctionalmatrixtoolboxin vivostatisticalappliedbrainmapping