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Abstract #2517

Tri-Exponential T2 Quantification In Vivo

Reddick W, Jain J
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

We propose a tri-exponential model, parametric fitting of the T2 relaxation curve, restricting the range for T2 in each compartment - Myelin [20 50] ms, White / Gray [50 120] ms, CSF [120 500] ms, and estimating the probability of the existence of each compartment on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The three T2 components were forced to lie within each compartment with the magnitude parameters allowed to take any non-negative value including zero, to account for missing components. Results from the processing of six healthy normal adults are presented.
componentsmagnitudeexponentialcomponentwhiteshortlongmiddlegraymapsnoiseacquisitionclinicalcompartmentconcentrateddecaydiscretedistributionechoesfittingin vivolimitedpixelsolutionssubjectzeroallowedboundsbraincompartmentscurves