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Abstract #2292

The Effect of Nutritional Counselling on Hepatic, Muscle and Adipose Tissue Fat Content and Distribution in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

Thomas E, Brynes A, Hamilton G, Patel N, Spong A, Goldin R, Frost G, Bell J, Taylor-Robinson S
Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College

The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of UK clinical practice, lifestyle modification, in reducing in hepatic fat. Whole body MRI and 1H MRS were obtained, before and after 6 months nutritional counselling. A 4% weight loss, was accompanied by significant reductions in most adipose tissue (AT) depots. IMCL was significantly reduced in the tibialis. Decreases in IHCL and sol-IMCL were not significant. Significant correlations were found between decreased hepatic fat and reductions in intra-abdominal and abdominal subcutaneous AT. Improvements in serum AST and ALT were associated with reductions in intra-abdominal AT, but not changes in IHCL.