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Abstract #2279

MR imaging of the liver on multi-channel MR systems at 1.5 and 3Tesla - Initial experiences

Panteleon A, Zech C, Herrmann K, Schoenberg S, Reiser M
Munich University Hospitals - Grosshadern

MR imaging at 3Tesla (T) systems offers new perspectives; however, there are a number of challenges for abdominal MRI at higher field strength. The aim of this study was to compare the image quality and lesion delineation in MR examinations of the liver at 1.5 and 3T. The presented results show that MR examinations of the liver are feasible with high quality at 1.5T as well as 3T. Specific artifacts were seen more frequently at 3T, but did not result in a decreased image quality and lesion delineation in comparison to 1.5T.