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Abstract #2118

Dynamic fMRI Acquisition of BOLD, rCBV, CBF, and Hypercapnic Reactivity for rCMRO2 Calculation during Rat Forelimb Stimulation

Kim Y, Mandeville J, Tejima E, Dai G, Rosen B
Athinoula Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging/ Massachusetts General Hospital

Accurate dynamic measurements of rCMRO2 are useful for understanding various pathological conditions and assessing the integrity of neuronal responses. We calculated the rCMRO2 changes of rat somatosensory cortex during the electrical forelimb stimulation based on the dynamic acquisition of BOLD, functional changes of CBV, CBF, and responses to the exposure of CO2 (5%). Apparent ipsistimulus CBV responses (e.g., left SS response to left forelimb stimulus) were not accompanied by concomitant increase of rCMRO2. We demonstrated that the unbiased acquisition of local hemodynamic parameters is necessary for accurately understanding details of fMRI activities during the rat forelimb stimulation.